
miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018

FANGAM: caída que se veía venir, y lo que queda...

24 diciembre 2018:

20 octubre 2018:


De actualidad....

If you are out of the market at the time of fall, it is unlikely you would be in the market at the time of rise.

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2018

INDITEX: una de las razones de su caída

Roger Vila

Crecimiento de ventas:

Bancos: mala inversión desde hace 30 años

Bancos alemanes, nada de nada en 30 años:

The Topix Bank Index in Japan, is still down 90% from the high in 1990:

The European Banks Index is probably on the biggest support in the history of modern banking sector in Europe :

The long term chart of the BKX (USA Banks Index):

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018

SP500: mercados alcistas/bajistas

The average S&P bear market since 1920 was relatively short, bus severe in drawdown. drawdown: -41% duration: 25 months

Paramés recuperó un -60%

En menos de 4 años....


lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

ETF: OIH en mínimos de muchos años

  El problema es que no podemos invertir en ETFs americanos.

   OIH : US listed companies involved in oil services to the upstream oil sector, which include oil equipment, oil services, or oil drilling.

sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2018

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Cruces de medias muy peligrosos

Fuente: Bespoke

The S&P 500 (U.S.) has so far managed to hold above support at 2,600, while its 10-year chart still looks relatively bullish.

The FTSE 100 (UK) is in a nasty multi-month downtrend with a recent break to new 52-week lows, but price has still yet to test the bottom of its 10-year uptrend channel.

Mexico’s Bolsa index has plummeted 20% from its recent highs, and this drop also broke a key support level on its 10-year chart as well.

Japan’s Nikkei 225 looks somewhat similar to the chart for the S&P 500.  The index has been choppy over the last year but hasn’t made a new 52-week low, and it remains well within its 10-year uptrend channel.

The German DAX index looks very negative on both a short-term and long-term technical basis.  As shown, the index is a falling knife on the one-year chart, and it just broke below its long-term uptrend channel on the 10-year chart.

While Germany’s DAX has broken down on a 10-year chart, France’s CAC 40 remains slightly above the bottom of its long-term uptrend channel.

Like the French CAC 40, Australia’s ASX 200 has recently made a 52-week low, but it remains above the bottom of its 10-year uptrend channel.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

El fondo JPM Global income cumple 10 años

US High Yield27,60%Securitized Debt4,70%
Global Equity15,10%Emerging Markets Equity4,20%
Preferred Equity9,20%Emerging Markets Debt2,10%
US Agency Mortgages8,50%convertible bonds2,00%
European High Yield7,20%Cash8,00%
Global REITs5,90%Total100,00%
European Equity5,50%
a: 31.10.2018

Rentabilidad (a: 31.10.2018)

 1 mes3 meses1 año3 años5 añosDesde el lanzamiento
Índice de referencia-3,52%-2,67%-1,57%14,11%24,68%145,86%
Rentabilidad adicional0,83%-0,48%-2,16%-7,46%-8,41%-15,79%
Fecha de lanzamiento:11 diciembre 2008
Fuente: J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
Los datos de rentabilidad son los valores liquidativos (NAV to NAV) con reinversión de rentas brutas.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2018

11 compañías controlan todo el mercado

Fuente: zerohedge
Quizás faltan dos más en esa lista:



Villavicencio Agua Salus (se exporta para Brasil como Agua del Puma), 
Aguas de Lanjarón, 
Mi Primer Danone,

Wall Street: las recompras son "peligrosas"

Los investigadores han demostrado que los ejecutivos utilizan las “buybacks” para crear una demanda temporal adicional de acciones lo que aumenta el precio de las acciones a corto plazo a medida que los ejecutivos proceden a las ventas de sus carteras personales.

Fuente: Andrés Llorente

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

SKEW: indicador que alerta de periodos bajistas

The SKEW index is a measure of potential risk in financial markets. The Skew Index measures perceived tail-risk in the S&P 500. Tail-risk is a change in the price of the S&P 500 or a stock that would place it on either of the tail ends, or the far edges of the normal distribution curve.

El mercado emergente debería pesar más

Marcos Luque

Los mercados desarrollados capitalizan 60 billones de dólares, los emergentes 20.
DM≈75% EM≈25%
Más de lo que se suele pensar. El ajuste por free float engaña en EM.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

Cartera de Corporación Alba

El Valor Neto de los Activos (NAV) se situó en 4.422,3 millones de euros a 30 de septiembre de 2018, equivalente a 75,93 € por acción. La cotización de la acción de Alba a esa misma fecha, 47,95 €, supone un descuento del 36,8% respecto al NAV por acción. “El NAV, tanto en términos absolutos como por acción, ha aumentado un 9,2% y un 7,9% respecto a la misma fecha del año anterior”, explica el holding en su nota de resultados.


Cartera de W. Buffett a 30 de septiembre

Fuente: Zerohedge.com

Buffett added 2 new banks to his portfolio, JPMorgan and PNC Financial, adding some 35.7 million shares of the former and 6.1 million shares of the latter, amounting to $4 billion and $829 million as of Sept. 30, respectively.

Why the bank additions? Buffett may be hoping that a stronger U.S. economy and rising interest rates will benefit the nation’s biggest banks. In fact, Berkshire is now a major shareholder in four of the five biggest U.S. banks - only Citi is not on the list - and he boosted his investments in Bank of America Corp. by 29 percent and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. by 38 percent (more below).
Berkshire entered new stakes in Oracle in the third quarter (41.4 million shares, or $2.1BN as of Sept 30) and put on a new bet on insurer Travelers (3.5 million shares, amounting to $460MM), which is somewhat surprising as it competes with Berkshire's own Geico unit. These new positions were offset by exits in his smallish positions in Walmart and Sanofi.
Buffett also boosted his stakes in Apple by 523K shares, bringing his total to 252.5MM shares, amounting to $57 billion as of Sept. 30, a number which is about 20% lower today, when the world's most valuable entered a bear market. Berkshire also added to its stakes in Bank of America, US Bancorp, Goldman, Bank of New York Mellon - in fact his 77.8 million stake makes him BoNY's top shareholder with a 7.9% stake in the custody bank - as well as Delta, and General Motors.
With these latest additions, Buffett is now the biggest shareholder in Bank of America, Bank of New York, Wells Fargo and US Bancorp.
Buffett also unexpectedly cut stakes in what was formerly his favorite bank, Wells Fargo, which is now his 3rd most valuable position at $23.2BN as of Sept 30, after top holding Apple and dropping behind Bank of America, his 2nd largest holding at the end of Q3 at $25.8BN as of Sept 30. Berkshire also cut stakes in Phillips 66, as well as several airlines including American Airlines, United Continental, and Southwest.

Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway
Period: Q3 2018
Portfolio date: 30 Sep 2018
No. of stocks: 46
Portfolio value: $221,020,177,000
HistoryStock% of portfolioSharesRecent activityReported Price*Value
AAPL - Apple Inc.25.79252,478,779Add 0.21%$225.74$56,994,561,000
BAC - Bank of America Corp.11.69877,248,600Add 29.20%$29.46$25,843,745,000
WFC - Wells Fargo10.52442,361,700Reduce 2.14%$52.56$23,250,531,000
KO - Coca Cola Co.8.36400,000,000$46.19$18,476,000,000
KHC - Kraft Heinz Co.8.12325,634,818$55.11$17,945,735,000
AXP - American Express7.30151,610,700$106.49$16,145,025,000
USB - U.S. Bancorp2.98124,923,092Add 24.06%$52.81$6,597,189,000
MCO - Moody's Corp.1.8724,669,778$167.20$4,124,787,000
GS - Goldman Sachs Group1.8618,353,635Add 38.47%$224.24$4,115,619,000
JPM - JPMorgan Chase & Co.1.8235,664,767Buy$112.84$4,024,412,000
BK - Bank of New York1.8077,849,476Add 20.14%$50.99$3,969,546,000
DAL - Delta Air Lines Inc.1.7165,535,000Add 2.94%$57.83$3,789,889,000
LUV - Southwest Airlines1.5856,047,399Reduce 0.88%$62.45$3,500,160,000
DVA - DaVita HealthCare Partners1.2538,565,570$71.63$2,762,452,000
CHTR - Charter Communications1.087,340,985Reduce 2.17%$325.88$2,392,280,000
UAL - United Continental Holdings1.0525,984,542Reduce 2.62%$89.06$2,314,183,000
ORCL - Oracle Corp.0.9741,404,791Buy$51.56$2,134,832,000
VRSN - Verisign Inc.0.9412,952,745$160.12$2,073,994,000
AAL - American Airlines Group Inc.0.8243,700,000Reduce 2.24%$41.33$1,806,121,000
GM - General Motors0.8052,461,411Add 2.08%$33.67$1,766,376,000
PSX - Phillips 660.7915,433,024Reduce 55.56%$112.72$1,739,611,000
USG - USG Corp.0.7639,002,016$43.31$1,689,178,000
V - Visa Inc.0.7210,562,460$150.09$1,585,320,000
LSXMK - Liberty SiriusXM Series C0.6131,090,985$43.45$1,350,903,000
MA - Mastercard Inc.0.504,934,756$222.61$1,098,526,000
COST - Costco Co.0.464,333,363$234.88$1,017,820,000
TEVA - Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.0.4243,249,295$21.54$931,589,000
MTB - M&T Bank Corp.0.405,382,040$164.54$885,561,000
SIRI - Sirius XM Holdings Inc.0.39137,915,729$6.32$871,627,000
PNC - PNC Financial Services0.386,087,319Buy$136.19$829,032,000
AXTA - Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.0.3224,264,000$29.16$707,538,000
LSXMA - Liberty Sirius XM Series A0.2914,860,360$43.44$645,535,000
SYF - Synchrony Financial0.2920,803,000$31.08$646,557,000
LBTYA - Liberty Global Inc.0.2619,791,000$28.93$572,553,000
TMK - Torchmark Corp.0.256,353,727$86.69$550,804,000
QSR - Restaurant Brands International0.238,438,225$59.28$500,218,000
STOR - STORE Capital Corp.0.2318,621,674$27.79$517,496,000
TRV - Travelers Companies Inc.0.213,543,688Buy$129.71$459,652,000
LBTYK - Liberty Global Inc. C0.097,346,968$28.16$206,891,000
LILA - Liberty LiLAC Group A0.032,714,854$20.84$56,578,000
JNJ - Johnson & Johnson0.02327,100$138.17$45,195,000
MDLZ - Mondelez International0.01578,000$42.96$24,831,000
PG - Procter & Gamble0.01315,400$83.23$26,251,000
LILAK - Liberty LiLAC Group C0.011,284,020$20.63$26,489,000
UPS - United Parcel Service0.0059,400$116.75$6,935,000
VZ - Verizon Communications0.00928$53.88$50,000