domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

EEUU: Sexta señal Hindenburg consecutiva !!

Fuente: Mike Burk

Last week an alert reader suggested the elevated number of new lows were likely to be from energy related issues. They are. Energy, natural resource and fixed income issues are all well represented on the new low lists. The persistently high levels of new lows along with relatively high levels of new highs has triggered a Hindenburg Omen for the past 6 consecutive trading sessions.
The Hindenburg Omen, developed by the late Jim Miekka has been unreliable at predicting tops, however it has been triggered prior to every major top. It tells you that some conditions are in place for a top.

¿Qué es la señal Hindenburg Omen?

Hindenburg Omen Indicador



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