viernes, 12 de enero de 2018

Sector Biotech EEUU en máximos históricos*

*Cuelgo gráfico de un índice de 30 pequeñas/medianas compañias biotecnológicas americanas, que marca máximos históricos. El índice tradicional (NBI) compuesto por 197 valores, muy apoyado en grandes empresas, está todavía a un 19% de sus máximos históricos.

FBT First Trust Amex Biotechnology Index

FBT is one of a handful of biotech ETFs available, offering exposure to a corner of the market that can perform well during periods of consolidation and is capable of big jumps in the event of major drug approvals. FBT focuses on a narrow sector of the health care market segment, and as such is probably too precise for most investors seeking to construct a long-term portfolio. But this ETF can be useful for those seeking to fine tune exposure or for those bullish on the sector over the long run. FBT focuses primarily on U.S. stocks, and consists primarily of mid cap and small cap securities. FBT's portfolio is somewhat limited, though the equal-weighted methodology of the underlying index ensures that assets are balanced across all components. That feature can be particularly important in the biotech space, where specific companies are capable of turning in big gains over short periods of time. PBE and IBB are other ETF options for biotech exposure; those considering this sector should take a close look at depth of exposure and weighing methodology, as these factors can have a major impact on the risk and return profiles achieved.

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